For students

Always wanted to learn how to hack, program or do cool things with electronics? Making a start is often difficult, we want to help you with that. We offer various ways to get you started, or otherwise we can refer you to the right places.

How do I get to your hacking environment?

Browse to

What can you do?

Do you have questions about hacking, programming, CTFs or other things? If you want to chat with us directly, you can do so through our IRC channel. This is a chat channel where many of our volunteers, but also students from various schools, hang out. If you have no idea what this is, no problem! You can learn this. Read the short description below. You can of course always send us an email or call us.

How do I connect to IRC?

Via kun je via je browser toegang krijgen tot het IRC kanaal. Hiervoor moet je de onderstaande gegevens invullen. We hebben een handleiding gemaakt voor het geval je er niet uitkomt, deze kun je hier vinden.

Port: 6697
Password: mag je leeg laten
Nickname: kies een leuke nickname voor jezelf

Klik op advanced en voeg in het vakje onder “Run Commands when connected:” de volgende tekst toe: /join #hitc

Klik linksboven op Connect (groene knop)

Help, I hacked something and I don’t know what to do!

No worries! If you have an adult in your area that you can confide in, go and do it right away. This can be a parent, guardian, teacher or other adult that you trust. If you do not know who to ask for help, no problem! You can always call or email us with your story.

Hack In The Class Foundation can help you take the right steps. Together we will try not to get a criminal record. It is important to always be honest and not to wait too long to tell what you have done.